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Terms of Service



This agreement is intended to regulate the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other matters between for KDH Solutions ("we," "us," or "our"), and its customers ("customer") in using services ("service") provided by us.


The definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows. Terms not defined in the following items shall be inferred according to the relevant laws and the service-specific instructions provided on the website.

  1. Server: Refers to the hardware and software collectively used to exchange data with client programs connected to the internet.
  2. Internet Data Center (IDC): Refers to a server-dedicated building and its facilities designed to connect servers to a large-scale internet backbone for easy operation and management.
  3. Account Cloud: Refers to a service that allocates a certain space of the server on a user ID account basis, including web hosting, mail hosting, and content hosting products.
  4. Backup Service: Refers to a service that stores duplicate copies of data on separate storage devices to guard against data loss due to equipment failure, unauthorized intrusion, or server operator errors, with basic and optional details specified on the website.
  5. Service Charge: Refers to our service fees charged to customers to perform this service contract, including regular fees and additional fees for excess traffic usage, server installation, technical support, etc., as stipulated in the contract, although additional service tasks performed by mutual agreement are subject to actual expenses.

Agreement to the Terms and Service Application

  1. Customers must agree to the terms posted on the website in order to use the service. By registering as a member on our website or purchasing products, the customer is considered to have agreed to the terms of the service.
  2. After the agreement to the terms, the service application is completed by filling out the form provided by us. In cases where the importance of the contract or business necessity requires, we may require the customer to submit separate written application documents and copies of documents related to the contract, such as a copy of the business registration certificate or, for individuals, a copy of the resident registration card.
  3. Customers must provide accurate and genuine information when applying for the service, and customers who violate this obligation will not receive legal protection when terminating the service and may face usage restrictions.
  4. The customer's personal information provided when applying for the service is protected in accordance with the relevant laws and our privacy policy unless otherwise required by law enforcement authorities for investigative purposes.

Approval of Service Application

  1. Unless there are special circumstances, service applications are automatically accepted in the order they are received when customers accurately complete the application with the details specified in Article 7.
  2. We may reject service applications for the following reasons:
    • When applying for service under a false name or using another person's name.
    • When the information in the application is falsified.
    • In cases where there is a precedent of network attacks that disrupt the normal service usage of existing customers in the course of using our other services, or if it is deemed to have an adverse effect on the normal service usage of existing customers.
    • When operating an illegal website under domestic or international law (e.g., illegal adult content, illegal gambling, anti-national organizations, etc.).
    • When the customer is in default of payment for other services provided by us.
    • In cases of past delays in payment for service usage fees or a history of improper usage.
  3. In case we encounter difficulties in accepting the application due to the our circumstances, we may withhold the approval of the service application.

Service Usage Agreement

Customer's Obligations

  1. Customers have an obligation to provide accurate information when registering or making changes to their information.
  2. Customers have an obligation to pay the service usage fees specified by us on the designated date.
  3. Customers cannot engage in activities that disrupt the operation of our services or the services of other customers.
  4. Customers cannot engage in illegal activities under domestic or international law using our services.
  5. Customers are responsible for regular security updates related to system operation to ensure that their servers, when operating, can protect themselves from unauthorized intrusions and attacks. Except in cases where a separate contract has been signed with us for security services, we are not responsible for any security incidents that occur, except for the basic security standards specified in the contract.
  6. Customers have an obligation to independently back up data on their servers. We are not responsible for the leakage, loss, or damage of data due to hardware failures, external intrusions, and other factors, except for cases where a separate data backup contract has been signed with us.
  7. Customers are responsible for issues related to intellectual property rights arising from their servers' operation. They must acquire licenses for installed software or install only free software that is not restricted by licenses.
  8. Responsibility for the management of personal informations, including IDs and passwords lies with the customer, and the customer is responsible for any damage that occurs from the theft, leakage, or loss of the ID and password. In cases where the customer is unable to manage their ID and password, we are not responsible for any incidents that occur.
  9. The customer must comply with relevant domestic laws and international agreements and agreements related to service usage. Customers are responsible for complying with copyright-related laws when operating their services.
  10. The customer must follow our security-related instructions to ensure safe service usage.

Service Delivery

  1. The service usage charge for the services applied for is as specified in the contract, and the customer is responsible for this. For the billing of service usage fees and the methods, standards, and payment methods of additional service charges, details will be provided separately on the website.
  2. The customer is responsible for complying with the payment method specified in the contract.
  3. The period of service delivery shall be calculated from the date of service establishment as specified in Article 7 (2).

Termination of Service

  1. We may terminate the service when the customer is in violation of this agreement or the stipulations of the law.
  2. If we terminate the service due to customer violations, the service fee and other usage fees will not be refunded, and additional fees will be charged, as appropriate, based on the unpaid service usage fees.
  3. In cases where the customer is in violation of the law, we aare entitled to take measures that include but are not limited to service restriction, service interruption, and service termination without prior notice.
  4. In cases where the customer is in violation of this agreement, we are entitled to take measures that include but are not limited to service restriction, service interruption, and service termination, with a 7-day advance notice.

Management of Customer's Account

  1. Customers manage their account IDs and passwords themselves and are responsible for the consequences of neglect in the management of their IDs and passwords.
  2. If the customer's ID or password is stolen, leaked, or lost, the customer must report it to us immediately. If the customer does not report it, we are not responsible for any damage that occurs.
  3. Customers must change their passwords at regular intervals for their accounts and must comply with other security-related instructions specified by us.

Contract Period and Termination

  1. The contract period of this service is determined based on the period specified by us on the service application form and will be clearly indicated in the contract.
  2. The customer must apply for service extension at least 10 days prior to the contract expiration date. If the customer does not apply for service extension within the designated time, the customer will not be able to use the service after the contract expiration date.

Termination of Service Agreement

  1. Service agreements can be terminated by mutual agreement of the customer and us.
  2. The service agreement is terminated upon the customer's request for service termination. However, additional charges may be incurred, depending on the contract details.
  3. The service agreement is terminated when the customer does not apply for service extension within 10 days of the contract expiration date.
  4. The service agreement is terminated when the we do not renew the service contract.
  5. The service agreement is terminated when the customer does not comply with the obligations specified in this agreement, and when we take measures to interrupt or terminate the service due to customer violations.

Service Usage Fees and Refunds

  1. If the customer cancels the service and requests a refund for the remaining service usage fees, the customer must apply for cancellation by a method specified by us, and a refund will be processed within 7 business days from the application date. Please note that a processing fee of 10% will be deducted for any refunds that we process.
  2. The service usage fees paid by the customer are not refundable.
  3. Refunds are processed according to the refund method specified in the contract or are refunded to the bank account of the customer.

Liability for Damages

  1. We are not responsible for any damage that occurs due to the customer's non-compliance with this agreement.
  2. We are not responsible for any damage caused by a customer's mistake in using the service.
  3. We are not responsible for any damage that occurs due to a force majeure event (natural disasters, war, etc.).
  4. We are not responsible for any damage that occurs due to the customer's server's hardware or software errors.
  5. We are not responsible for any damage caused by external factors, including third-party hackers, computer viruses, etc.
  6. We are not responsible for damage caused by circumstances beyond our control, such as a network failure of the international backbone.
  7. We are not responsible for any damage caused to a free service, or services specified to have limited warranties.

Prohibited Actions

Customers are prohibited from the following actions when using the service.

  1. Using the service for illegal purposes or in a manner that violates laws or regulations.
  2. Attempting to disrupt the operation of the service or intentionally providing false information when applying for the service.
  3. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to other customers' data or trying to access our systems or servers without authorization.
  4. Using the service for malicious purposes, such as sending spam emails or carrying out actions that infringe upon the rights of others.
  5. Violating the intellectual property rights of others when using the service.


  1. The customer cannot assign the rights or obligations of this agreement to a third party without our prior consent.
  2. For matters not specified in this agreement, the relevant laws and customs shall be applied, and the terms specified on the service website shall be followed.
  3. This agreement is effective from November 1, 2023.